Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Strum in Style.

Bedazzle (v)- to transform something from drab to fab.

Here are the pictures of the guitar in stages. Bedazzling this guitar was tedious, but then again, it was so much fun! I want to bedazzle everything now! :P 

It took me so long to finish it because for some reason, I didn't think it would take as many rhinestones as it did. I kept having to order the black ones from some Canadian. They took forever to get here every single time.

It has over 3,000 rhinestones on it!
I still need to get strings for it,
but it is finished.

Now, I just need to
learn to play. ;)

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Pottery and Post-its.

Just some stuff Cody, Lauren, and I have done recently.

Left half painted by Cody.
Right half painted by Lauren.

Lauren's peacock.

Cody was inspired by the flames of our dad's motorcycle.
J is for John.

I did this.
Supposed to be the tree of life
with colorful leaves.
Looks Christmasy.

"All you need is love."

"Happiness is always here
but covered by
thoughts, desires, and fears."

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Peacock Painting WINNER!

And the winner is...

Thank you to everyone who entered!
Be on the lookout for more giveaways. :)

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Sport Perennial.

A new painting.
I quite adore trees.

Can you tell it's a tree?
I hope so.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Peacock Painting GIVEAWAY!

After a two and a half month neglect, I'm coming back with a bang. And a giveaway. 

This painting is on canvas, but it is not a mounted canvas. However, my idea in having a thin canvas is so you can dress up the way you display it. I envisioned that this piece would hang on the wall and around it would hang a somewhat larger frame so the painting is within the frame, but not touching it. It would be a decoratively carved frame, thick and bulky, and I would paint it a teal blue (and maybe give it a weathered/antique look) to give it a little edge. 

Now, that is just my idea... you can do with it what you wish.

P.S. It's a peacock.

If you would like to be in the drawing, you must 1. be a subscriber of this blog and 2. leave a comment below this post telling me how you are going to (or would like to) display this painting. I will draw the winner on July 7th (a week from tomorrow).

I do get page views from countries outside of the US, but I am sorry, the winning address must be inside the US. (I will get the address of the winner when the name is drawn.)

Thank you for subscribing and entering in the contest!

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

I Heart Shadow Letters Contest Winner!

Congratulations to the winner!

Thank you to everyone who entered!
I hope to do more contests in the future.

With love,

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

CONTEST: I Heart Shadow Letters.

It's a Smartt Designs giveaway!

It's simple, but who could resist a free piece of art designed and hand painted by Cassie Smartt herself?! ;)

If you would like to be in the drawing (good old fashioned "draw a name out of a hat"), you must become a subscriber of this blog and leave a comment below this post saying "I heart..." and tell me something you love. I will draw the winner on April 13th (a week from tomorrow). 

I do get page views from countries outside of the US, but I am sorry, the winning address must be inside the US. (I will get the address of the winner when the name is drawn.)

Thank you for subscribing and entering in the contest!

With love,